Author: Loudoun Sports Therapy

Loudoun Sports Therapy

Loudoun Sports Therapy Center is a premier physical therapy clinic. We offer outpatient orthopedic and sports physical therapy as well as specialty programs.

Loudoun County, Va. — Do you ever find yourself limping through the last few aisles of the grocery store? Or maybe you pass up a golf trip with friends for fear of having to quit before the 18th hole? Do your first few steps out of bed in the morning cause you to grimace in discomfort? Knee pain can affect the lives of people of all ages, inhibiting both routine daily function and the ability to exercise. Knee pain can develop for a variety of reasons. It could be due to an acute injury: Slipping Pivoting poorly Falling Receiving a direct…

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Loudoun County, Va. — Baseball pitchers, javelin throwers, football quarterbacks; what do all three of these athletes have in common? Each of their sports involves overhead throwing. These sports, as well as many others, require the athlete to constantly move their shoulder through the overhead throwing motion. Over time, this movement puts stress on the shoulder joint and can cause a number of different chronic injuries. So what are some common injuries seen in overhead athletes? Labral Tear/ SLAP Tear The shoulder joint consists of the head of the humerus sitting inside of the glenoid fossa (the shallow rim of your…

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Loudoun County, Va. — Typically, there will be no immediate effect to not having the proper strength in a particular muscle in your body. The effects are usually more long term in the sense that “weakness” or lack of proper strength in an area results in excess friction on the bones in the joint, excessive wear and tear on tendons and cartilage around a joint, and more. This is why things like tendonitis get started. Let’s look at shoulder tendonitis as an example. This condition is usually the result of repetitive friction and ‘catching’ of the tendon in the shoulder joint.…

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Loudoun County, Va. — Hip pain and problems are common, especially in the athletic community. These problems frequently stem from weakness in some muscle groups such as the glutes and the hip flexors. Find out when a hip issue could be stemming from the hip flexors. NOTE FROM OUR SPONSOR: At Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, we want to work with coaches, parents and athletes themselves and help them get ahead of the injuries so they’re not losing playing time, having to rework line-ups because of injuries and keep athletes healthy all season long. [adrotate banner=”13″]

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Loudoun County, Va. — Improving ankle stability is key when treating an ankle sprain. Here are four exercises that will help strengthen structures like the ligaments and surrounding muscles so you can walk, run and move on your feet without the fear of your ankle rolling inward or outward. NOTE FROM OUR SPONSOR: At Loudoun Sports Therapy Center, we want to work with coaches, parents and athletes themselves and help them get ahead of the injuries so they’re not losing playing time, having to rework line-ups because of injuries and keep athletes healthy all season long. [adrotate banner=”13″]

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Loudoun County, Va. — When most people think of the core, they think of the abdominals and doing sit-ups and generally know that one needs to have good core strength. Beyond that, most people don’t know much else about it. So what are the core muscles and what do they really do? The core muscles consist of the muscles surrounding and providing stability and postural control to the torso, abdomen and pelvis. These muscles help provide for a stable foundation on which the arms and legs can move and transfer forces. 4 sets of abdominal muscles (rectus abdominals, internal obliques, external…

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